The MatchUp Podcast

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Mark Ardrey-Graves and the Rev. Nick VanHorn who will be in three episodes together in 2022. For this episode, Mark tells us the story of La Virgen de Guadalupe and Nick shares the story of the Azusa Street Revival.


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The revival was characterized by spiritual experiences accompanied with testimonies of physical healing miracles,[4] worship services, and speaking in tongues. – With Signs Following, Stanley H. Frodsham


Thank you to Mark and Nick for being in this episode.


The Rev. Nicholas VanHorn

Associate Rector

Nick is Director of Youth Ministries.


Dr. Mark Ardrey-Graves

Director of Youth Choirs

Mark directs the Novice Choir and St. Paul's Choristers.

Show Notes

The Best Supernatural Event in Church History

La Virgen de Guadalupe

View a video of the Basilica here.

“It is the most visited Marian precinct in the world, surpassed only by Saint Peter’s Basilica. Although the figures cited are not uniform, annually some twenty million pilgrims visit the sanctuary, of which about nine million do so in the days around December.[3] Every year some twenty million pilgrims visit the sanctuary, of which about nine million do so in the days around December 12, the day on which Saint Mary of Guadalupe is celebrated.[4][5][6]​ Annually, the Basilica of Santa María de Guadalupe has at least twice as many visitors as the best-known Marian shrines, making it an outstanding social and cultural phenomenon.”

Read more on Wikipedia here.


Azusa Street Revival

The Azusa Street Revival, beginning in the spring of 1906, largely spawned the worldwide Pentecostal movement. It commenced in a former African Methodist Episcopal church building located at 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles, California. The primary leader was evangelist William J. Seymour, who came to Los Angeles from Mississippi to preach the apostolic faith, a teaching that combined the baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues (glossalalia), such as was experienced in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost, as recorded in Acts 2. – From

Read more on Wikipedia here

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